

February 23, 2015

Blue Tomato Plan P

Winers and our Matic

Sunny spring days in Absolut park are unfortunately over for quite some time. However, last week was great, i tried some new stuff, me and Žiga filmed almost everything for the next webisode of Spaced Out, we checked out the snowpark in Hochkönig and i did preety good on the competition for qparks tour at Planai. For me, saturday morning didn't start so good, first i fell on ice in front of our house, then i had a close encounter with a random skier at the beginning of the snowpark and i had some problems with the speed. Preety unexpectedly i qualified to finals as 4th with right side 540 japan and sw 900 mute grab. For the finals the wind picked up, so we had even more troubles with the speed and i lost one place due to low amplitude and consequently inferior execution, but i'm really happy with 5th place. Congrats also to Nik for 6th, Žiga for 10th and to Anja for 2nd place.
Sw zero

Rail garden

Spaced Out riders

Sunset from the steering wheel

February 18, 2015

Finally back in Aboslut park

Cork 7 
First part of february went throught super fast, i can't believe how fast everything happened. Yesterday I came back to Flachauwinkl after 10 days. I had to be home for the past few days to sort out some school stuff. We had a trampoline session in school and my knee started to hurt, so i went to my doctor and she said, i had to take easy for a few days. I spent one day on Vogel mtn. but unfortunately the weather wasn't the best, just like a day before on Cerkno. Even though the weather was bad, they have a really nice rail line so i had a lot of fun. Today we had another awesome spring day here in Absolut park and i'm looking forward to try some new tricks in the next few days.

180 Truck
Flying over some trees

February 02, 2015

Europa Cup Seiser Alm

Flat3 high five

Before the competition at Seiser Alm, i went to school on monday and stayed there all eight lessons, cause i gave a promise to someone, who means a lot to me and i really didn't want to break my promise. On wednesday we had official training for european cup on thursday and friday. Me and Žiga filmed some runs on the course and you can see our videos in the second webisode of Spaced Out, that came out yesterday. If you haven't seen it yet, click on this LINK and check it out. However, on thursday i felt great, i stomped my first run and when i came back to the start i realized, i'm on 4th place. In the second run i replaced my sw 540 with sw 900, but unfortunately i didn't landed cork 720 perfectly on the last jump and i lost some points there, but i was really happy with 10th place at the end. On friday i had so many things to think about and it was hard for me to put my game face on, so i made a mistake on the first rail and also on the second jump. After the first run the wind picked up and we started our second run 30 minutes later. Luckly i managed to gather all thoughts before the start and i did my run as i wanted, i scored 66,67 and it was enough for 9th place, which is my new best result on competitions for european cup. Stoked!

One run from training on wednesday